Jeez Louise
time sure is passing quickly! My goal was to blog once a week, and here
it's been almost three weeks since my last post. Oopsie.
I learned the
hard way a few weeks ago that I am not cut out for single parenting.
Marc had a "work" [ski/snowboard] trip to Breckenridge mid-March,
and it was just me and Milo (and the nanny, on workdays) for
five. whole. days. It may not sound like a lot to you - it didn't to me
either - but whoa. Thanks to some amazing girlfriends for the dinners,
for the wine, for checking in with me and for getting me out of the
house! I maintained my sanity because of you!
So when Marc had
another "work" [golf] trip to West Palm Beach - on my birthday, no less -
we decided that Milo and I should probably just tag along. Clearly the right thing to do. Marc had work obligations,
and I still had work to do, but the appeal of doing it from sunny
Florida was overwhelming. So we did! And it was awesome. (Side note:
"vacationing" with a 5 month old is waaaay different than vacationing
without, but that's another story for another day. I consumed more room service meals than I'd rather admit.) After the cold,cold
winter we've had in Asheville, we totally deserved this time in the sun!
Here are some pics from our trip! Milo LOVES being outdoors, and he was [mostly] as happy as a clam! It's absolutely crazy how much I love this kid!
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| Milo did SO great on the flights. Well, 3 of the 4 of them. Luckily the ones where I had him by myself, he was a superstar. Marc flew back with us on Sunday, and let's just say one of those was rough. We didn't make any friends on that flight.
A few people have
asked how his hearing aids affect him while flying (pressure, popping,
etc). In a word [or two]: it doesn't! This was his 3rd trip via plane and the pressure hasn't seemed to have affected him at all! Fingers
crossed it stays that way - we have a few trips coming up this summer. |
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At Guanabanas in Jupiter! Thanks for the recommendation, Miss Caley! |
Lots of Momma & Milo selfies! |
Lounging at the pool is exhausting! What a life. |
Being silly in the hotel room. |
Headed downstairs to meet some of Daddy's co-workers. |
Toldya there were lots of selfies. I can't seem to help myself. This kid can help brighten even the most un-photogenic subjects! |
Loved when Daddy finally got to come play! |
Lover of beer. He is his parents' child, after all. |
The pool was still waaaay too cold, so we dipped our feet in. Can't wait to go swimming for real! |
This kid loves the wind on his face! He also made more than a couple of girlfriends while poolside. |
Always taking time to smell [eat] the roses. |
Baby's first trip to the beach! |
Milo loooves his Daddy! |
Mott Family selfie! |
Where we stayed. Marc played 36 holes in one day. What? |
Testing out Mom's sunglasses. |
We traveled with the big boy car seat! |
Milo has also been SUPER interested in food, so we decided that this vacation would be a fun chance to give it a go. I'll post the videos soon - they're pretty hysterical. Let's just say we were not successful, and mission: find some food Milo likes has commenced.
This past weekend, we packed up and drove to Norfolk to visit Aunt NiNi, Uncle G and Cousin Molly. Don't you worry, I've got LOTS of pics of that trip to come in my next post.
Hope you have an awesome Monday!