I feel like every blog post starts with “so it’s been awhile since I blogged…” – so I won’t do that this time. (Even though it has.)
I’ll just start by asking if it is absolutely nuts-o that July will be here next week? What the crap? Where did June go? We’ve been busy!
Milo has now taken SIX trips on an airplane – three to Texas and three to Florida. Most of which require four takeoffs and four landings, since you have to connect everywhere when flying from Asheville. Too bad this tiny traveler can’t rack up some frequent flyer miles!
Since we last blogged, Milo’s been:
- Visited by Grandma Jan, Grandpa Bill, Aunt Carol and Uncle Fred
- To San Antonio celebrate the short life of Baby Kate. He got to be the only dude at Girls' Weekend and thought it was pretty sweet.
- On a major bike ride/nap for Mother’s Day
- To three breweries. His total count is seven!
- To Dallas for cousin Shannon’s graduation from Baylor School of Nursing
- To the beach! (Charleston, SC/Isle of Palms)
- To Tampa on a last minute Dad’s-out-of-town-for-work-so-why-not trip
- Swimming for the first time! And on his first boat ride!
- To his first Hip Hop (“Kid Hop”) concert
- To a handful of Jr. League meetings with Mom
- To the Audiologist for his first “booth”/behavioral hearing test (better luck next time!)
- To lots of playdates
- To Charlotte to visit the Taliaferros
- To lots of Jazzercise classes
- Back to Dallas to see cousin Molly, Aunt Nicole, Uncle Gregg and Grandma & Grandpa
And it’s certainly a good thing Milo-man is OK with being busy. Come to think of it, we didn’t really give him a choice!
Needless to say, we’re ready to slow down and stay put for awhile. Asheville is an amazing place to be during the summer. It’s warm but not too hot and there is a lot to do! Hint, hint: come see us!!
Oh yeah, and Marc and I celebrated five years of marriage! (But now that Milo’s here, no one cares about us, right?)
Back to Milo.
He’s also growing like a weed and learning new things every week! He’s been sitting up unassisted for about a month, and he’s thisclose to crawling. And I caught him standing in his crib today. Guess it’s time to drop the mattress. He’s finally figured out the Johnny Jump Up and can bounce for hours. Well, not hours exactly. But you know what I mean. He’s eating some solids every day and LOVES puffs (aka: baby crack).
He’s laughing and babbling and overall the happiest little boy. We completely won the lottery by getting this kiddo! It’s clearly not our parenting. Our technique tends to be bumble-around-and-figure-it-out-as-best-we-can.
Anywho, these pics are way more enjoyable than anything I could write. So… enjoy!
With GREAT Aunt Carol at Tupelo Honey Cafe in downtown Asheville |
Caught sleeping on the job! Daddy was less than thrilled. |
Celebrating Shannon's BSN in Dallas! |
Atop Mount Mitchell during the Mottingers' visit. |
Grandpa installed a swing on the patio and Milo loves it! |
The graduate and her cousin! |
Milo and Grandma Judy! |
You guessed it - Milo @ 7 months! |
Taking time to chill at the beach. |
Another visit to Granny in Florida, another ride on her Rascal. |
Milo & Molly (sounds like a TV show, doncha think?) |
All the Mott & Song kiddos. Aren't they cute? |
A less than perfect pic. It captures 99% of that photo shoot! |
On the boat with cousins Savanah and Collin. |
Just an ordinary afternoon at the Bywater. In a Team USA onesie. Swinging around the pole. |
Kash & Lola: the standoff. (Lola won.) |
This little stinker got caught! |
Time is flying by! |
Checking himself out at the gym in our building. |
Milo visits Daddy at work! |
Cheering on the US Men's soccer team while chewing on a hearing aid. This kid is talented! |