I'd taken the test just after Marc left for work, and despite wanting to shout it from the rooftop, I had to keep this best news ever to myself for eight. long. hours. I'm not known for being the best secret keeper, and this was the ultimate test.
To Marc, the "we're pregnant" news was the female equivalent of the proposal, so I'd been devising a plan for months (once I had the news to share). I'd tossed around all the typical "bun in the oven"-type ideas, and nothing seemed perfect. Then, while perusing Etsy one day, I found a shirt that said "this is what an awesome dad looks like" (with two thumbs pointing back) and had my "aha!" moment.
Where? When? How?
Marc was supposed to come home from work and then we were to go to the gym together. I'd tell him I'd been shopping that day, and picked him up a new shirt. He'd open it, burst into tears and we'd embrace, thinking of our little peanut. I'd even have my iPhone ready to video the reaction. I was getting pumped!
But that's not what happened.
Marc, in typical form, was running late and needed me to meet him at the gym and bring his workout clothes with me. Shoot. My plan was foiled!
So I packed the shirt with his gym clothes and gave it to him as he rushed into the gym.
I waited nervously outside the changing room, anxious to see what he'd do.
Like a little boy, he bashfully peered his head outside the door and uttered one word: "Really?!?" All the color had drained from his face as if he'd seen a ghost. Shock had set in for sure.
Suffice to say, we didn't burn too many calories during our WOD that evening. Stealing a few hugs and kisses in between burpees, the news slowly began to sink in.
We spent the next 10 months preparing for our little pumpkin, and he inspires us to be better humans each and every day.
I have a whole new take on President's Day. It's now - will forever be - known as the day we learned of the new Presidente in the Mottinger household! This President's Day, Milo and I did a little shopping and a lot of cuddling.
We love you, Milo!