I don't know about you, but Marc and I have pretty much always dreaded Sunday nights. The weekend's coming to a close. Start to think about the workweek ahead. I started my weekly "aw, man. tomorrow's Monday" downward spiral this afternoon, and then I remembered...
no work tomorrow! it's President's Day! best. surprise. ever.
(sorry Marc.)
Also, how the heck is more than half of February behind us? We've had a super busy month so far, with no signs of it slowing whatsoever!
The awesome photographer we've been working with (Brandi link) offers these adorable (and affordable!) mini-sessions, and we jumped onboard for her Valentine's weekend. Check out our handsome lil man:
no work tomorrow! it's President's Day! best. surprise. ever.
(sorry Marc.)
Also, how the heck is more than half of February behind us? We've had a super busy month so far, with no signs of it slowing whatsoever!
The awesome photographer we've been working with (Brandi link) offers these adorable (and affordable!) mini-sessions, and we jumped onboard for her Valentine's weekend. Check out our handsome lil man:
Milo used to hate his picture taken, but he's turning into quite the little ham. (Like mother, like son, my Mom tells me!)
Last weekend a few of the Jazzer-girls had a baby shower for Tiffany, who's due with her lil man in a few weeks. Our theme was "A Baby is Brewing" (the mother- and father-to-be are avid home brewers) and we had a great time! I learned alot about cloth diapers. Pretty fascinating stuff! (No, really!)
Last weekend a few of the Jazzer-girls had a baby shower for Tiffany, who's due with her lil man in a few weeks. Our theme was "A Baby is Brewing" (the mother- and father-to-be are avid home brewers) and we had a great time! I learned alot about cloth diapers. Pretty fascinating stuff! (No, really!)

Then on Monday, we got the chance to meet miss Pellie and her awe-inspiring parents Kirby and David. Pellie has a hearing loss story very similar to Milo's, and as I've said before, Kirby has helped me immensely! It was great to finally meet her in person. Can't wait til they're Ashevillians!
And then came the snow. And more snow. And more snow. A novelty for the first 24 hours, and then we were over it! Cabin fever set in quickly. Marc had a work trip to nearby Boone, and Milo got his first cold. (Enter the Nose Frida - quite possibly my favorite invention ever!!)
And then it was Valentine's Day. Marc and I never really subscribed to V Day. Our traditional has always been - and still is - takeout chinese food and a chick flick. Marc picked up food from PF Chang's this year, and we half-assed a terrible rom-com on Neflix. Not gonna lie - the highlight of my night was the lava cakes I'd picked up from Trader Joe's and the awesome Pinot Noir samples Marc brought home from work. Oh, and my boys. But that goes without saying. Also, I fell asleep well before the movie was over. #nosurprisethere
Then on Saturday, I team-taught a Valentine's-themed Jazz class, and Marc brought Milo for a guest appearance. You haven't heard bliss until you've heard a room full of women (and Greg!) say "awwwwwwww!" when you bring a baby in the room!
That night we went to the Highland Brewery Big Game dinner, where, for the second year in a row, we feasted on protein such as gator, quail, rabbit, bison, venison, etc. Date night is way different when you have to relive a sitter at the end of the night. (We love you Caley!)
I've also developed something Google (and some help from others) helped me diagnose as "Mommy thumb." It's pretty darn painful, I'm not gonna lie. (And I did workout - ie: lift [light] - weights throughout my pregnancy and beyond.)
So I tried acupuncture. Which I'd never done or even considered before. After getting needles poked in primarily in my left foot, I'm skeptically optimistic about my prognosis. Going back on Wednesday. At the very least, I get to nap - uninterrupted - for 45 mins. Heaven. (even if there are needles poking through my skin.)
We've recently started Parenthood on Netflix, and it's a running joke in our house that we can't get through one episode without one of us crying. (sad but true) We're working on it. :-)
OH YEAH. Did I tell you that it's Sunday night, but really more like a Saturday? (Don't tell Marc!)Happy President's Day!
- Jaime (& Marc & Milo)
Please pardon the typos. Further proof you shouldn't drink and blog.